
Step 1, download Cisco Anyconnect client for Android

Download Cisco Anyconnect for Android on Metamao websiteClick here to download
Or download in Google playClick here to redirect

Anyconnect Client is available in the app store for most Android phone systems, like Huawei, Samsung, Xiaomi

Step 2, add connection address in in Anyconnect client

Build a new VPN connection in Cisco Anyconnect client and input the connection address showing in your account info on Metamao website

Step 3, Connnect VPN service for the first time and disconnect

Please input your account name and password to connect Metamao service in Cisco Anyconnect client, same as the one you use on Metamao website

You will need to enter your username and password when connecting for the first time. Anyconnect will remember only your username, not your password, for security reasons

When connecting for the first time, please confirm to add new VPN connection in your system

Please restart Anyconnect client and click "Anyconnect VPN" switch. If the switch is grey and the VPN icon disappeared, it means your VPN is disconnected

For your safety, the system will disconnect you if idle time too long. Please simply reconnect later

About Android Pad and TVbox

Installing on Pads with Android system is the same as on the Android phone. When using on cables with Android system, please use remote control and external keyboard to input connection address and your account info

Anyconnect supports Android 4.0 or higher

Anyconnect currently does not support HarmonyOS system

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